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Municipality of The Hague

Municipality of The Hague - Last Mile Solutions

Tender the Hague

The municipality of The Hague has been very active providing public charging infrastructure for its citizens. Since 2014 Ecotap has been installing charging stations where Last Mile Solutions, as sub-contractor, is responsible for the EV charging management platform. In 2019 a new tender was issued which was won by ENGIE. ENGIE worked together with Ecotap and Last Mile Solutions in similar roles and responsibilities.

“The provided service by Last Mile Solutions provides ease of mind while managing a large public charging infrastructure.’’

Floris van Elzakker – Project Manager E-Mobility at the Municipality of The Hague

Secure, Stable and Flexible

One of the key principles was the uptime guarantee for the charging infrastructure and the platform. In the period from 2014 to 2019 this was 99.8%. In the newly won tender period, running from 2019 to 2024, this uptime must be maintained or even improved.

In addition to the uptime and a well-balanced price/quality ratio, it was important that the current existing charging infrastructure (manufactured by Alfen) could be transferred and operated from one single EV charging management platform. This was realized seamlessly between Alfen and Last Mile Solutions, resulting in an easy to use and centrally manageable operation for the Charge Point Operator. According to Floris van Elzakker – Project Manager Electric Mobility at the Municipality of The Hague: “Last Mile Solutions has managed to serve multiple interests: a back-office that facilitates the achievement of sufficient uptime. But also, a back office that is very accessible.”


After a challenging multi-stakeholder start-up phase the municipality of The Hague, in cooperation with Ecotap, has placed more than 700 charging stations in the past 5 years. Resulting in over 500,000 charging transactions and provided 5 million kWh of energy, all efficiently processed and billed via the management platform of Last Mile Solutions. Besides that, the transferred existing charging stations from Alfen are also successfully running and centrally operated.

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